Tag Archive | Car


Sorry long time no blog!

So prior to 2015 my priority has always been about working hard and getting an education.

has this changed ?

Obviously not, aha but the specifics have.Such being that I am no longer trying to finish up my college diploma. I have 3-4 courses to get before I get my diploma and 3 of which are french alone. Sigh. So for “college education” I’m taking a year off to pursue happiness (achieve my goals and ambitions). Wait what ? yea I know lmfao that’s stupid/crazy/unrealistic in this day and age because all we are here on earth for is to work and have children and buy things. YEAAA NO. Bitch please – Sure I believe in working hard and getting things with that money that’s the society I’ve grown up in. But I’m set with my job for a good while and gasp a minimum wage job you can’t do anything with that ? Yes, yes I can. I make enough to pay bills, own two dogs and a nice ass car and still save* (kinda save my savings have been a little low since I had a long-distance boyfriend and I used my money to see him and pretty much paid for everything.) But yes I love my job and I would never quit it for a higher paying job (I mean unless I make millions then we can start talking haha) and I love the physical / animal aspect of working on a farm. I will probably pick up a second job at some point because car parts LOL. Anyways the point being is that I want to be more constructive with my free time and not put it towards an education not this year at least.  But I will be pursuing CanFitPro probably, there’s a little health course I want to take.But me being me I will research things (you can categorize my two common interests as psychological things and health things with a side of documentaries)

Working is always a priority no change there- mind you I’m going to attempt to do more hours and be on time (or less late ahaha) I remember a couple summers ago I was doing 80hrs a week at the factory (russet house) I never plan on working that much again- it killed me. Though the dough was great almost 1k in a week. But not worth it in my opinion, the mental and physical stress is crazy.

So yea priorities work – save money

And my biggest priority under working is fitness and health. (*not diet and exercise those are temporary terms that set you up for failure.) I’ve been going at this since the 11th grade so ’09- i’ve gone up and down, gained some lost some and now I’m on the losing some. To date give or take depending on the day I’m negative 30lbs, in my personal opinion I have anywheres between 20-30lbs more that I would like to lose. And Sure people think I’m fine the way I am, but that’s their opinion- my goal is to be the stunner I was in 2011 and regardless of what others think I’m going to get there by September. And settling for an “ok” body is NOT really stimulating for me, the plain ol’ simpleness of settling doesn’t interest me. not even in the slightest. Being fit, being healthy, these things make me happy and running daily makes my happy – may or may not have to do with the chemical aspect of it; ENDORPHINS ! The point is that for me to be happy, I kinda have to work out – if I go 5 days without jogging or anything I get really annoyed and like need to jog. I can’t explain it without sounding like a nut job. But essentially I love to train, it makes me happy.


Anyways, So this year I’ll be working, working out, doing fun things, working on my car, meeting new people, Tomorrow World, Bae – bae being ma balt.


Black Beauty

Well folks as you may have previously read “Fiat” I was complete turned off by the fiats/smallcars/rollingdonuts haha that last one though.

Anyways I did consider other cars. I had already seen the cobalt but was not sure about it (until I drove it) and then it was like love.  But before we jump forward – I was also considering a Subaru wrx and/or a srt4. But considering I didn’t take the time to find a nice Subaru and as for a srt4 I already have two neon’s a third would have been over kill even if it was boss. Now we can proceed with the cobalt part of this – went for a test drive and knew it was the one. haha that’s it. Like, I can’t even. Aw man it’s just perfect, bae.

May I add how everything is perfect, not a spot of rust, handling it is great. Shifter/clutch takes adjustment – considering I’ve been driving neons (before a civic and a hyandia excell) it was different, the cobalts very precise and the clutch well haha I stalled it on the first try -just the once- you live and learn come on hah. But its nothing like the other standards I’ve driven.

And I mean it’s just a load of glistening sexyness 🙂


Also “Check la wing” gosh my car for a car anyways has a nice backend :p


Advice of the day : Achieve your dreams mine was a sexyasfuckcar <— Done 😉


Goals ? Budgets ?

What are those?

hah since this school semester I kinda went off the grid in terms of money.

I bought a dog which then got sick

Bought a beater car

Bought a summer car

Bought a sounds system


So much money spent and right now I’m sitting at 1k in my TFSA – so poor.

And this month I have quite a bit to pay for. Such as a speeding ticket, a tempo, ah Christmas, riding lessons.  I know that these things are 1) unnecessary 2) my fault 3)wants not needs

But it still sucks.

January I’m not going to spend any money I don’t have too (AKA resto’s, movies, extra gas for random driving, shopping..)

And I’m going to pay off as much as I can and hopefully by my Birthday have another 1k in my tfsa.

No matter how often you fall off of the bandwagon always try to get back on set smaller goals and achieve them one step at a time 🙂


Mkay I may have over reacted, just maybe.

So Wednesday / Thursday-ish (the line is slightly blurry) I was basically in the mode of “fuck my life” and I had wrote a blog on EVERYTHING that was going wrong but then when  I hit posted my computer went craycray and essentially lost the whole blog (not even a  draft was saved) and being all frustrated and stuff I just said fuck it there’s better things to do then rewrite it (like nothingness).  But since I had written that other post I’ve had the best of luck, or just a multitude of good/great things happen to me.

And today here’s the list of awesomeness:

Ugh, I got a free riding lesson, a pair of boots and gloves for winter.

I got a HUGE mirror and plywood to finish my repairs in my porch and supper from my aunt.

I made 40$ selling an old phone that I was keeping around until I could sell.

I got a weekend full of work which means more cash.

I got to go to an awesome concert (Brad paisley) and meet a new dude – was supper fun !

My porch is fully fixed and well done.

I’m sure there were more things  but I can’t think of them but these were the best I could think of 🙂 But it’s weird how everything can be the worst and then it can be the best.

Tough times don’t last, tough people do. 😉




irritated, annoyed, sad.
Nothing ever works out for me.
This isn’t a pity party for me, like I’m totally okay with it – it’s just more or less an acceptance of what is that seems to be unchangeable.
So i got a newer neon (car- newer in terms of usage same year as other car) and now that makes two. A grey one and my nicer newer one that is black  (and has all the things I’ve always wanted such as sound system, racing peddles and well the  biggest factor is that’s it has a WING) lol for some reason I’ve always wanted a wing, I don’t know maybe it makes me go faster 🙂 clearly a joke. haha

But anywho my other neon was basically done, so i got this one and if anything broke I could essentially take it off the other car. But of course things are never that simple: when I went to get my winter tires put on and my oil change several issues with my new to me car popped up. This was Wednesday.

Previous before that Wednesday I got my sound system in and it lasted 20 minutes before my subs (both brand new) blew. I think what makes me the most mad is that it was just a fucking tease!!!! like seriously! 20 minutes, bitch please. UGH and the guy is being a douche and doesn’t want to exchange them.

And then my bosses dad hit my car this morning (friday)- which it’s not the hit that has me mad/sad it is the fact that I’m so frustrated – nothing ever works out.  Like I wish for once in my life I can have  something of quality  that lasts, and to fix the several problems plus the damages on my front bumper( and I can’t open my passenger door) and additional rust damages (that came with the car when purchased it) it just comes out to this ridiculous price that I seriously don’t even want to think about. Work wise 1k and body wise another 1k or more.

It’s like I keep getting cars and shit just keeps happening to them and the last two “problems” aren’t even my fault yet it still makes me look bad.

I have 3 solutions (none of which I am considering at the moment  because I have gone into this over whelming ignoring my problems and dealing with other life problems first set of mind and thus being school and work and fitness and bills.) ANYWAYS back to solutions.

#1) which is actually three options within this solution that I will have to choose from if I choose solution #1 and those being buying a new car. Within this solution I can choose to buy a cheaper second-hand new car around 10k, or go for my dream car at 23k (couple km’s on it, 2012/2013 model) or just go all out and buy a kia soul ev (electric so no gas, and I get a wack load of money back from the government 8k up to 10k if I make a charging station at my house). So yea this isn’t even a simple choice on its own it would involve thinking, budgeting, test drives, multiple car choices, I mean a car for 10K there’s so many too choose from. Then IF I were to choose from the two new ones I have to choose between what I REALLLLLLLLY WANNNNT verse What I kinda want to represent/ be a good person but still like it, it’s just there’s no good sound system or turbo 😦

#2) Get another beater( most likely another neon yet this one will have body work and a reconstructed engine) But I’m really meh about this because this person could have sold me this exact car months ago which would have helped me / saved me so much money and it is presumably money that I can use for a down payment on a new car.

#3) Take the time and take parts from my grey neon and put them on my black neon, then get the frame rebuilt then get complete body work done and a paint job done. This also in theory would be a couple thousand dollars that I could use for a down payment on a newer car. And also there’s no guarantee of what I take of the grey car will be in good shape and be able to go on the black car.

additional option of which I’m using right now, drive it until it really breaks down then drive the grey one until that breaks and then use all my saved money and buy a new car in a year or however long the two neons last in combined time. Because they both still drive and work for the most part. the things wrong with the black neon aren’t deadly (except the frame will be a problem after some winter time) and the grey neon is just slowly dying a horrible presetone leaking into the engine and alternator going kinda death.


I’m just so sad/mad/annoyed/irritated/unmotivated/unsure/angry/disappointed that this is what it is and I can’t make my mind up.






I have a few goals…

Ah This “10k” Can be applied to a few things in my life,

and that is,

I want to run 10km sometime soon(no expiry date it is to be achieved over time )

and secondly save 10 000$ (no expiry)

And thirdly pay 11 000$ of debt I have off (6k student loan and 5k credit card as soon as possible)

And alongside those goals I would also like to have / buy : Fiat abarth 2014, my little house, a horse, a second husky, an enclosure for both dogs and another for horse, a extension on my house, and backpacking for 1 week and a trip to the amazon to work with endangered species. Which do I want first ? I have no clue (all at once ?!?!?!  high hopes lol)

But right now, I would like to pay off my credit card and reach my savings goal alongside either planning a trip or taking one (also getting a husky puppy in 2 weeks)

Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in terms of all my goals ?

any thoughts ?





Take no offence but I’m referring to the USA.

Bien here is the facts:

1) I am Canadian, Quebecer to be exact.

2) I get my groceries and gas from ‘Merica

3) The border people be like … interrogating.

4) Walmart.

So today I went to the USA and got groceries and gas like I usually do.

When doing so I crossed the boarder twice.

AND EVERY TIME; miss “… where do you live” “Do you know anyone there” “Are you sure thats all you bought ?” “where do you work”

I understand the main questions of who are you and what do you do and where did you go. Kay. good.

But then they have to double check or triple check.

“Do you know anybody in the states?” nope “are you sure?” yes I sure ” So you don’t know anyone” I just said no.

*well I mean i know Obama, Britney spears….

But I guess as a privilege of going to the states you have to endure all the questionings.

Have you ever had problems crossing the boarder ?



Oh the terribleness,

Save here,

Don’t spend here,





But anyways for those of you who are nosy as fuck or just simply are curious as to what my newly high tech and well thought out budget is stay tuned … for the well thought out budget I follow.

(in a nutshell pay my debts, save money, and feed myself)

BASED ON A WEEKLY PAY. (divided by envelopes – savings is deposited into bank account)

Gas (to get to work and some leeway for extra driving) 50$

Savings  (To buy a better car or rent my own place or buy a house one day) 60$

Random (I go free skating a lot and its 2$ each time and movies and clothes) 30$

Car (Jan 2004, Feb  186.92$, and from march on it will be  : 9.80$ a week) 60$ (for now)

Veggies & fruits (healthy eating still going strong JUICE) 40$

DEBT (and go fuck yourself -consumer burden piece of shit I have been paying all my life credit cards should die- //EndRant ) 60$


And there you go and that should equal to 300$ a week.

I pledge to follow this. but January is the first month I’m testing out this budget and it may have flaws which will result in changes. I figure everything will be sorted out by march.

Also say if I need 10$ more for driving and haven’t used any of my random money – well it is obvious: I’ll just take from the random envelope since it has no true definition as to how I use it.
