Tag Archive | debt

Goals ? Budgets ?

What are those?

hah since this school semester I kinda went off the grid in terms of money.

I bought a dog which then got sick

Bought a beater car

Bought a summer car

Bought a sounds system


So much money spent and right now I’m sitting at 1k in my TFSA – so poor.

And this month I have quite a bit to pay for. Such as a speeding ticket, a tempo, ah Christmas, riding lessons.  I know that these things are 1) unnecessary 2) my fault 3)wants not needs

But it still sucks.

January I’m not going to spend any money I don’t have too (AKA resto’s, movies, extra gas for random driving, shopping..)

And I’m going to pay off as much as I can and hopefully by my Birthday have another 1k in my tfsa.

No matter how often you fall off of the bandwagon always try to get back on set smaller goals and achieve them one step at a time 🙂


Mkay I may have over reacted, just maybe.

So Wednesday / Thursday-ish (the line is slightly blurry) I was basically in the mode of “fuck my life” and I had wrote a blog on EVERYTHING that was going wrong but then when  I hit posted my computer went craycray and essentially lost the whole blog (not even a  draft was saved) and being all frustrated and stuff I just said fuck it there’s better things to do then rewrite it (like nothingness).  But since I had written that other post I’ve had the best of luck, or just a multitude of good/great things happen to me.

And today here’s the list of awesomeness:

Ugh, I got a free riding lesson, a pair of boots and gloves for winter.

I got a HUGE mirror and plywood to finish my repairs in my porch and supper from my aunt.

I made 40$ selling an old phone that I was keeping around until I could sell.

I got a weekend full of work which means more cash.

I got to go to an awesome concert (Brad paisley) and meet a new dude – was supper fun !

My porch is fully fixed and well done.

I’m sure there were more things  but I can’t think of them but these were the best I could think of 🙂 But it’s weird how everything can be the worst and then it can be the best.

Tough times don’t last, tough people do. 😉



October update

So I paid off all of my small debts

and 3000$ on my credit card (still 3444.73 left to go which I’ll do tomorrow)

And had enough to pay for my puppy Duke (600$) who got very near death sick (DONT TRUST BACK YARD BREEDERS!!!!)

After this I may be living pay check to pay check for a little why but I’ll be able to save up quickly knowing myself.

I want to be debt free by the end of October!

I did not make any side cash this week I’ve been pretty busy with an intense Dead End run and my poor little puppy.

October Woot

This is seriously one of my favorite seasons!

Love the atomosphere.

So I’d like to quickly blog about a few savings/bets goals i have for this month.

#1) being savings 500$ I want my TFSA at 7000$

#2) being pay off smaller debts (around 500$)

Yep yep and the rest of Carlas challenges I will be doing too 🙂

Have a great day y’all



I have a few goals…

Ah This “10k” Can be applied to a few things in my life,

and that is,

I want to run 10km sometime soon(no expiry date it is to be achieved over time )

and secondly save 10 000$ (no expiry)

And thirdly pay 11 000$ of debt I have off (6k student loan and 5k credit card as soon as possible)

And alongside those goals I would also like to have / buy : Fiat abarth 2014, my little house, a horse, a second husky, an enclosure for both dogs and another for horse, a extension on my house, and backpacking for 1 week and a trip to the amazon to work with endangered species. Which do I want first ? I have no clue (all at once ?!?!?!  high hopes lol)

But right now, I would like to pay off my credit card and reach my savings goal alongside either planning a trip or taking one (also getting a husky puppy in 2 weeks)

Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in terms of all my goals ?

any thoughts ?




Summer time :)

This summer I plan on having the best summer ever.

I plan on going to all the races/ runs my little heart desires.

I plan on going to as many concerts as I see fit.

I plan on going places I’ve never been.

I plan on saving a grand or two.

I plan on being the best version of myself (Following and developing a better fitness plan, Becoming a Raw Vegan with no slip ups)


And I plan on going to Rodeos and camping out as many weekends as I can have off.

My summer To-Do list:

Afi, Linkin park, 30 seconds to mars.

Lady Gaga.

The color run

Run or Dye

The Electric Run

Mud Hero

Xman race

The night Run

Become Raw vegan

Save 2k


Rodeos (Earn 1 point)


Whats your plans for the summer ?







Great news,

So things have worked out, I guess I’m not sure why they just are falling into place.

I got a call from our coordinator and the campus near me is staying open so I am able to be full time student (course load of 4 classes) and still work. Since the campus is local I can arrange for my hours of milking to be in the early AM the way it is and supper time PM  and with a  course load of only 4 classes it will be very manageable.

The only con; essays haha.

Have I ever told you guys that I love school, I legit love to learn.

Since I dropped out all I do is watch various documentaries and Ted talks and research anything that comes to mind. Yes I dropped out, I’m not sure if I went over this previously in my blog but I drop my semester in fall, I could no longer afford to go, I had no car, I hand no motivation, I had no money, I was heartbroken, I was overwhelmed, in a terrible living condition all of these things led to me dropping out. A mere bump in the road, a overload and break down.

Right now I’m in a recovery mode, I’m fixing things, changing my lifestyle, trying to manage life, pay up my debt, save money for my future.

So to conclude, things do workout in the end. You just gotta grasp life by the balls and shake it around and go for an opportunity that comes at you.  🙂

I’m 7 courses away from my diploma, after next semester I’ll be 3.

How is everything working out at your end ?


Debt update february

Here are my Debts Presently

*All amount are after payments made*

Credit Card 1: 3650.87 (paid 240 in February)

Credit Card 2: 158.54 (paid 240 in February )

School loan: still 6220.00 but I have made arrangements to start paying it.

and for the plus side

Savings: 1001.14

Towards debt repayment : 480 (I paid a lot to debt this month by accident! I was only supposed to pay 300$ oppsie!)

Peace 🙂

March Challenge / Goals


Save 500$ and put into TFSA

Follow Budget to the last $$$

Pay off 300$ to debt


Practice healthy low fat high carb vegetarianism or even vegan-ism

Limit coffee to one a day

Run for a grand total of 25 hours.

Crochet 3 things (or more!)


I want to put all of my lose papers / plan / budget / goals/ blog ideas in one binder and not have lose papers laying around and I want to organize it into categories.

Clean and organize my car.


And that’s about it my friends 🙂

Visit Carla’s blog ! 🙂


Peace 🙂

March Budget 2014

Fixed payments + Goal payments in terms of savings and debt for the month of March.

I get 5 pay checks this month (every Monday 3,10,17,24, and 31)

By month  

Car 50$

Dutchess 100$

Loan 70$

Savings 500$

Phone 80$

Debt 300$

Total 1100$      


By week.  

Car 10$

Dutchess 20$

Loan 14$

Savings 100$

Phone  16$

Debt 60$

Total 220$  

The rest of my pay check will go to food, gas, and fun. (or even savings)

My goals for savings is high this month. I am joining in Carla’s http://halfdozendaily.typepad.com/my-half-dozen-daily/2014/02/march-challenge-take-3-my-goals.html

So I will be posting about a few other goals I have for this month in terms of personal and decluttering ALONGSIDE other Finance goals 🙂
