Tag Archive | cute

Black Beauty

Well folks as you may have previously read “Fiat” I was complete turned off by the fiats/smallcars/rollingdonuts haha that last one though.

Anyways I did consider other cars. I had already seen the cobalt but was not sure about it (until I drove it) and then it was like love.  But before we jump forward – I was also considering a Subaru wrx and/or a srt4. But considering I didn’t take the time to find a nice Subaru and as for a srt4 I already have two neon’s a third would have been over kill even if it was boss. Now we can proceed with the cobalt part of this – went for a test drive and knew it was the one. haha that’s it. Like, I can’t even. Aw man it’s just perfect, bae.

May I add how everything is perfect, not a spot of rust, handling it is great. Shifter/clutch takes adjustment – considering I’ve been driving neons (before a civic and a hyandia excell) it was different, the cobalts very precise and the clutch well haha I stalled it on the first try -just the once- you live and learn come on hah. But its nothing like the other standards I’ve driven.

And I mean it’s just a load of glistening sexyness 🙂


Also “Check la wing” gosh my car for a car anyways has a nice backend :p


Advice of the day : Achieve your dreams mine was a sexyasfuckcar <— Done 😉


Mkay I may have over reacted, just maybe.

So Wednesday / Thursday-ish (the line is slightly blurry) I was basically in the mode of “fuck my life” and I had wrote a blog on EVERYTHING that was going wrong but then when  I hit posted my computer went craycray and essentially lost the whole blog (not even a  draft was saved) and being all frustrated and stuff I just said fuck it there’s better things to do then rewrite it (like nothingness).  But since I had written that other post I’ve had the best of luck, or just a multitude of good/great things happen to me.

And today here’s the list of awesomeness:

Ugh, I got a free riding lesson, a pair of boots and gloves for winter.

I got a HUGE mirror and plywood to finish my repairs in my porch and supper from my aunt.

I made 40$ selling an old phone that I was keeping around until I could sell.

I got a weekend full of work which means more cash.

I got to go to an awesome concert (Brad paisley) and meet a new dude – was supper fun !

My porch is fully fixed and well done.

I’m sure there were more things  but I can’t think of them but these were the best I could think of 🙂 But it’s weird how everything can be the worst and then it can be the best.

Tough times don’t last, tough people do. 😉



To Infinity and Beyond. FREE GIFT.

So I have a little game for y’all and a gift to go with.





















The first person to guess what I’m making gets a free one (with choice of color 🙂 ) … Simply leave a comment with your guess (if you don’t have a blog message me on facebook)

Or the  guess that is closest wins ::)

So if y’all want something super cute and free get Guessing.


Dog Days ~ Dutchess

So last weekend was my pouch’s Birthday (Dutchess), which was celebrated in 2 ways. Me waking up at noon and running around town chasing her because my brother let her off of the leash and then afterwards with some dog bones.

But for the first part, I really really really was not happy with her nor my brother. Also she’s a husky and all i can picture in my head her saying is “Oh you’re going to get me, NO YOU DONT! hahaha stupid humans…” and after an HOUR, I mean an hour of sprinting, running, diving and creeping around a cemetery (where I proceeded to catcher her.) Was not fun, but now looking back on it , it was kind of funny. Cause here I am breathing like there’s no tomorrow and she’s like ‘do de da, I’m a husky whom never get’s tired.”

You can guess what that face means …

So amongst this over the 9 months I’ve had her I’ve learnt a few things the hard way:

1) They shed… a lot. I usually vacuum once a day and god forbid if I don’t it looks like a scene from Texas with lil’ mini dust bunnies as tumbleweed’s.  And I swear I don’t go ‘AHA I’ve got you, you lil’ ball of fur you” While vacuuming … Well maybe I do :p

2) Huskies in particular are hyper, but what do you get when your Husky thinks she is also a cat? And over-size dog trying to sit on your lap while watching TV, whom then proceeds to bat your hair like a cat and but unlike a cat it’s not cute or funny; it’s painful and annoying and she always end’s up scratching me. But regardless, I still love her 🙂 Also she seems to think that her sitting spot is on top of the couch and at the headboard where our pillows are.

3) My dog is clever, like get the shoe on the highest shelf clever, get of her leash clever, get out of the house by opening the window clever (It wasn’t locked but how does a dog even know that?!)  drinking my tea the second I’m not looking clever,  and lastly getting the meat off of the counter without me even knowing clever. Some would say this is bad dog but remember I’m writing about the past and will talk about her changes/ differences  further below.

4) She likes to chew, like most dogs. At first it was teddies, then it was shoes, then it was my retainer, and now it’s pillows (but thank god it’s only pillows, because my retainer was worth 250$ and she ate 11 pairs of shoes … so a $4 pillow is not that bad.) Do we obedience trainer her? Yes of course, but she’s stubborn like most huskies and I feel like she is learning, just slowly and one thing at a time …  But I can trust her now, Meaning I can leave my shoes anywhere’s now and she won’t touch them.

5) Potty training, first off I HIGHLY recommend crate training And Praise over punishment. She was fully potty trained by 6 months old and has not had an accident since. ‘Yay her :)’

6) Dog food maters, this is something that people don’t think is important but I do. I buy first choice, it’s 69$ for a big bag and last’s 2 months.  One day I tried giving her complements brand name and she’s ate so much that she made herself sick and had potty issues  (I will not into detail but think in terms of the gastro) I called the vet and he asked “Has there been any changes made recently” I told him about the food and what do you know, it was indeed the food. He compared cheap  dog food brands to McDonalds (Gee what do you know  he happened to use the worst brand of food on earth in my opinion) Which from that point on and out I will never buy it again. I’ll stick to my ‘over priced’ dog food. And for those of you who are skeptical think of it this way would you feed your kid trash? chances are high that’ll be a no, so why should we feed our dog’s garbage food? (And anyways  all cheap brands are crude fat and food coloring with additives.)

7) Grooming, First off I’d like to say, no matter what if you have a long furred dog you’re going to either have hair on you or need to invest in a ‘schticky’ (which works by the way!) I only bring her to the groomers twice a year and I clip her nails myself. Working at an SPCA gave me tones of practice so I’m pretty good at it and up to date I haven’t over cut any animal. (includes: rabbits, dogs, and cats.)

8) Dog’s get jealous. Like whenever a toddler see’s their mom’s and dad’s hugging they instantly want their mom back to themselves (Also keep in mind this depends on the trait the child has and I did learn this in psychology, I’m not spewing lies here.). EXCEPT it’s Dutchess wants’ my Boyfriend to herself, if were hugging she tries to part us. This is something we are working on.

9) She howl’s like a wolf, full-blown bellowing husky to the max, or whines like a high-pitched irritating noise that you can’t stand at 4am in the morning because she has to pee but regardless of that you still get up and let her out in the pitch black night in your pyjamas in the freezing cold November-ness.  *And breath*

10) Dog’s are expensive and for life. They’re not something you get for a few weeks and then throw away because they’re ‘bad’ or ‘incontinent’, they are a part of your family and need commitment and time. If your dog is bad seek advice, work with him/her there are options other than dumping them in some random place or bringing them to the SPCA .it pains me to see so many animals go to the SPCA because they’re to hyper or bad, they deserve a chance …

But besides these factors, we are working on the most current one pillow chewing and the whole jealousy act. And of course something are unchangeable, like fur.  But overall she has come a long way from being the worst puppy in the world to finally calming down but still retains her quirkiness.

My dog’s my life, I don’t ever plan on having children, I feel like I already have one. (Plus I just don’t like kids, dogs are so much more fun!)

You can visit my youtube channel for video’s of her 🙂 @ AmberEveSimpson

If  you have any questions DONT  be shy to ask a way!

Who ordered snow?

While walking my dog today I saw a Canadian goose, I thought to myself “awe” And then I was like “hey wait, why are you still lurking around, aren’t you supposed to be migrated down south?” So puzzled I continued to walk my dog around the park. Why would the bird not follow the rest of his little friends? This is something that bothers me, all alone with no friends in the freezing winter cold. This is why these birds hibernate!

So, on my walk I also discovered the trueness of the word husky, snow loving puppy. I swear there must be something wrong with my dog. How does she LOVE snow so much? Here I am with a huge jacket a scarf boots and all, freezing my ass off and she’s rolling, I mean on her back flipping around, eating snow, trying to chase after little snowflakes. When we get back home she refuses to come up the steps into the house and I’m running late for school… as usual. So I have to pick her up and bring her in the house while she is completely refusing. Finally everything works out.  I give her food and then I run to school and here I am typing this up while there is a snow blizzard outside.

I’d like to take a moment to wish my puppy a Happy 3 months Birthday? I don’t know if anyone does this, or if I am just crazy?