
Is love blind ?

So on fb someone (mino) posted a photo of a pair of old no good boots that she was going to get rid of and I went forth and commented on there and another friend/cousin of hers commented (jed) and then we went forth with disputing on love. Not negatively but jokingly about love and blindness and so forth and I came out with this: 

“No but to be in love with some one or something you have to have an attraction to them and that attraction then turns into persuasion / relationship/ buying the shoes/ car /horse/ or anything it is- first an attraction a “hey look at that/those/her/him” and then from there on out it turns into love. I cant be in love with “blank” if I’m not attracted to “blank”. something draws me to it and that draw is attraction and that can even be applied to “mind sets – or how people think” like i can be attracted to a person not based on looks but based on their thinking process or views on the world or how they treat others. but the key line here is attractions draws which turns into something more.. thus being that love is not blind because you were first drawn to it/thing/item/him/her/ what him her thinks or does or says: so therefore what lead you to love was not the blindness but an clear view of something that triggered attraction in your brain/mind which open the doors to love.”

What do ya’ll think ? I’ve done plenty research on these topics because I want / had wanted to be a relationship psychologist and the biggest aspect in a relationship is love but anyways the prime idea here is that no love is not blind because you were drawn to the thing or person that you are in love with first. you were drawn through a primary sensory: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching ( I may have missed one ..) before it could lead to something else. (i.e. love)

Must say friends I’m pretty proud of myself for being this come-backy. usually I would have been like “no not true” but I actually used some knowledge.


Yea, this post isn’t going on FB either haha. That title is so 2014 actually.

As you may or may not know readers I was in a long-term on and off relationship that was before a friend ship. And it ended in august/ september ish there was no real END date it just kinda went down up down and then ended. But it was always like this, unhealthy never going anywheres-ness. We are friends now, which is manageable for the moment.

I mean for once in my life I can do things how and when I want to. I don’t have to just check in or clarify to anyone. BUT there’s also the whole being an extrovert and wanting to socialize or be with people aspect that becomes lonely because you’ve lost an array of people in your life but as you see it doesn’t have to be that way. When you’re a mature adult it doesn’t have to be this cut throat ending. Well maybe that’s because there was no cheating involved in which case I can’t fucking stand cheaters and if it were to happen to me I wouldn’t keep that person in my life at all. But this previous relationship – the person is a good person he’s just not “the one” I guess you can say in a lame way. But he has been a good friend and I feel like in some way he will be for a long while. but it does make the other friendships made through the relationships (aka his friends) a little awkward, in my own personal opinion but maybe that’s because I’m socially awkward ?

Some people LOVE being alone, Some DESPISE it. Well folks I’m that guy (actually I am a female I’m just using the term guy loosely) the one who is like WELP I’m alone what to do, eat ice cream? watch sad movies ? Walk my dog at night-time? (not that ANY of those were real life examples – I don’t even buy ice cream haha) But what to do, I’m a mix of introverted and extroverted, if that even makes sense – I like to be alone but hate it, I like being with people but the sometimes I hate it. *I actually do walk my dog at night for the most part a couple of times a week it is pretty nice no ones driving by or around, just us two walkin’.

Anyways so my solution was to no-doubtly buy a dog, which was a great idea and I don’t regret it at all (but it was unexpectedly costly good thing I had 4k in savings) Duke, he is seriously the new love of my life and of course I still love Dutchess too!

And as for the rest I’m just going with it, the flow of life; sleep, eat, work, school, dogs, bills, cleaning, fitness, and repeat. What else can you do ?

travel the world, fall in love with yourself, be happy, see things that are new and exciting everyday, new experiences these are the things I am aiming to do in the now and future as much as possible . If that means being forever alone except having my dogs then so be it because the only person who knows you the best, loves you more than anyone else and who is with you 24/7 365 for life is YOU- YOURSELF that’s all you got and the rest are interactions which come together to make your life experiences with others, mind you don’t mistake this for “I’m never ever dating ugh I hate men” That is not at all what I’m saying, I’m just going to do what I do best and if someone lines up and is well you know the obvious “attractive, and mentally stimulating and is a hard worker and wants to share some of these experiences and is in love and I am too” then that happens, but I’m not forcing anything, I’m not chasing, I’m not going after, I’m not going online dating, I’m not settling, I’m not going after 17 year olds ever again cause like ew haha, I’m not going to sleep around. I’m just not going to extremes to put myself out there but I am living and I feel like this will lead to things as life lets you. I do not believe in faith or everything will fall together I believe in doing something you love and finding someone along the way and this is applicable to meeting friends too.  Just gonna do what I do, how I do, when I do all those do’s. haha does that even make sense :p.

I feel like I’m putting too much effort into explaining myself haha I’m one of those complicated elaborated not simplified persons don’t get me wrong I’m not extreamly happy, because well right now all I can think of is my shitty car and my homework assignment which I’m avoiding and in turn writing about this complicated mess of love and life. But I am living and I am doing the things I love which adds up to happiness. Which compared to a couple of years ago I’m way happier right now than I was 5 years ago or even months ago. Which in the long run is what matters most right? WHAT is with this font.

Awkwardness, so essentially I’m just being me and where that leads me is unknown because you never know what happens in tomorrowland until you’re there. (ha 10 points for anyone who knows what I’m talking about in this sentence! it’s a multi meaning type of thing.)

I’m just going to stop this now.



Vegan baby problems

This is just my short opinions, seeing as this would upset some on facebook I’ve decided to post it here on my personal blog and link you guys up to the informative article. I do not have a baby, I am not a vegan, I am not obese. I am not a professional on any of the above either- simply it concerns my research project in ISSS class in college and I’m pro-vegan. 

Really, aren’t there bigger issues in the world? A mom chooses to feed her baby soy formula instead of “typical formula” and shes considered neglecting her baby. Bitch please. How about people who let their kids get obese or over weight (which increase their chances of getting chronic diseases and lowers their life expectancy) as a child that’s not an issue ? that’s not neglect ? I feel like people have nothing better to do with their time and waste it harassing others. (information on childhood obesity) (article referred to above )

Life as you know it.

Really do you know it ?

Whats it’s for?

What it means ?

What to do?

Where to do it ?

Life, as I see it is to enjoy yourself – be happy. If that’s having a simple quite life awesome, if that’s traveling the world and being forever alone with a million huskies (not crazy cat lady but crazy dog lady lol jokes) awesome. if it’s sitting at home not fulfilling your wants and dreams then i slightly have a problem but that’s your life not mine all i can do is either be supportive and say nothing or be supportive and say something like “do what you want”

anyways I have no idea why I’m rambling probably has something to do with the fact that I’m bored and emotional and then this happens.

I’m just saying only you yourself can create happiness by your thoughts and actions combined – you can’t rely on ANYONE else to make you happy (momentarily sure like laughing at a joke or hearing a good song – but long-term satisfying happiness comes from within, from your actions and doings and thinking’s alike. )

I should probably be writing my ISSS paper but naw I feel like being all intellectual-ness,

Did you know I haven’t been alone for 5 years I’ve always have been with someone – friend family or bf. But to be really alone to have to deal with yourself – for me anyways it just turns into this ” why who where what how – life talk with myself”

Some negative, some positive.

I just came across a video on FB, please take 2.5 minutes to watch it.

Anyways I’m done my pondering for now- anyways for you guys. I’m gonna attempt homework.


I need to figure out a better budget.

I keep using my credit card.

I keep buying unnecessary things.

I keep just going out when I actually don’t want to ( I rather just stay home and watch Netflix and drink tea or walk my dog)

But not all of my purchases are useless or unnecessary, for example I spent 600 on dental – that was important and is just part of general hygiene.  (this benefits my physical state)

I spent 400$ on a puppy and another 200 for supplies.  (this benefits my psychological state)

School related expenses such as gas to drive to school, intuition even lunches and food that I bring to school. (this benefits my mental state)

But all other things included such as food, more food, and how about some ice cream (because my ass need that) and stocking up on food (necessary to a point)

So here’s the common denominator is that I spend way too much money on food that I don’t need or really want – that being sure I want ice  cream and pizza but after eating it I go through this Psychological down fall of I shouldn’t have eaten that, or that’s not vegan or that was expensive or that just quite literally made me feel like shit (pizza on saturday game me food poisoning)


Now I just don’t know how to budget – should i still put some money in saving or should i just put it all onto credit ?

It’s rather frustrating.

Any advice ?




GMV: Hardest step

So this is the second entry in my Girl meets vegan (and in later Girl meets vegan lifestyle meaning that I have successfully become vegan) This entry is a little on the worrisome side and the unsureness of my decision.



Dairy. (less of a concern / problem as compared to coffee hence why this blog will mostly address my coffee problems)

These two things have been in my life for years.

I grew up as a little girl occasionally getting tea and then steady at the age of 14/15 I would have a cup a day, then my late teens 17- 22 I would have more than cup  a day sometimes  a pot a day- I did included 22 there because I only started changing my habits in March and  I turned 22 in February so that is accounted for.  And going back to my 17 years I would have a pot a day – I didn’t like soda and coffee was relatively a cheap beverage, so it was and still is an addiction.

I plan on quitting coffee, maybe cold turkey, maybe substitute it with something else.

One thing is for sure I am ADDICTED to caffeine, the kind of massive head ache, and even sometimes vomiting if I don’t consume a cup of caffeine a day. Mind you as long as I have a cup a day of tea or coffee I’m good as gold.

I don’t want to be addicted to this. Maybe if coffee was a super food it would bother me, but it is not a super food and has been labeled as bad for you. Sometimes I won’t even consume other beverages like water or juice it was/is just coffee. Thirsty have a cup of coffee, preworkout beverage is coffee. (~~Mind you these are true and real examples of my self between 17 and 22, But I have started since Jan 2014 to cut down on coffee consumption and first thing in the am have a good big ol’ gulp of water, sometimes 1/4 a glass sometimes a cup of water~~)

So to conclude, I want to quit coffee and limit my milk intake or replace these two intakes with better healthier options that I’m not addicted to.

What are you addicted too ?


The grass is greener where you water it.

It is all in the title,

Wisdom of the day, sure the grass on the other side of the fence may seem greener but honestly the grass is greener where you water it.

aka where you nourish it.

Have any wisdom to share with me today ? Please leave a short comment 🙂



I keep saying to myself,

I’m just going to blog about all these good and sometimes (once in awhile) bad documentaries, But I Just haven’t gotten around to it.

And now due to procrastination I have watch so many that I would have to re watch them to be able to write about them.

But here is the catch, there is one documentary that I can’t stop thinking about and that I wish every single person in the world would watch!

It’s called : Earthlings   (I’ve linked that up so you guys can ALL  go watch it.

Out of every single documentary I watched this is the one, I recommend, and I won’t even talk about it here- I won’t give you a hint as to what it’s about. The title it’s self is good enough of a hint.

So if you read my blog, or follow me, watch this. it’s free already linked up for you, all it takes is a click of a button and about an hour and something of your time.

it has an affect on you.

What is something you have watch that has had an effect on you ?





A couple of people I know might be reading my blog from the beginning UH OH.

I don’t even know what I wrote Well I know that i wrote a bout Dutchess, my broken hand, and goals.  But honestly I don’t know what else – I don’t even know what I wrote yesterday.

This is no fun. I mean I could have been uber melodramatic, or depressed. There is no telling how I wrote my previous 142 blogs :0

So with this “discovery” I am determined now to go reread every previous blog from the beginning.

(probably edit some things too)

Anyways peace.