

Sorry long time no blog!

So prior to 2015 my priority has always been about working hard and getting an education.

has this changed ?

Obviously not, aha but the specifics have.Such being that I am no longer trying to finish up my college diploma. I have 3-4 courses to get before I get my diploma and 3 of which are french alone. Sigh. So for “college education” I’m taking a year off to pursue happiness (achieve my goals and ambitions). Wait what ? yea I know lmfao that’s stupid/crazy/unrealistic in this day and age because all we are here on earth for is to work and have children and buy things. YEAAA NO. Bitch please – Sure I believe in working hard and getting things with that money that’s the society I’ve grown up in. But I’m set with my job for a good while and gasp a minimum wage job you can’t do anything with that ? Yes, yes I can. I make enough to pay bills, own two dogs and a nice ass car and still save* (kinda save my savings have been a little low since I had a long-distance boyfriend and I used my money to see him and pretty much paid for everything.) But yes I love my job and I would never quit it for a higher paying job (I mean unless I make millions then we can start talking haha) and I love the physical / animal aspect of working on a farm. I will probably pick up a second job at some point because car parts LOL. Anyways the point being is that I want to be more constructive with my free time and not put it towards an education not this year at least.  But I will be pursuing CanFitPro probably, there’s a little health course I want to take.But me being me I will research things (you can categorize my two common interests as psychological things and health things with a side of documentaries)

Working is always a priority no change there- mind you I’m going to attempt to do more hours and be on time (or less late ahaha) I remember a couple summers ago I was doing 80hrs a week at the factory (russet house) I never plan on working that much again- it killed me. Though the dough was great almost 1k in a week. But not worth it in my opinion, the mental and physical stress is crazy.

So yea priorities work – save money

And my biggest priority under working is fitness and health. (*not diet and exercise those are temporary terms that set you up for failure.) I’ve been going at this since the 11th grade so ’09- i’ve gone up and down, gained some lost some and now I’m on the losing some. To date give or take depending on the day I’m negative 30lbs, in my personal opinion I have anywheres between 20-30lbs more that I would like to lose. And Sure people think I’m fine the way I am, but that’s their opinion- my goal is to be the stunner I was in 2011 and regardless of what others think I’m going to get there by September. And settling for an “ok” body is NOT really stimulating for me, the plain ol’ simpleness of settling doesn’t interest me. not even in the slightest. Being fit, being healthy, these things make me happy and running daily makes my happy – may or may not have to do with the chemical aspect of it; ENDORPHINS ! The point is that for me to be happy, I kinda have to work out – if I go 5 days without jogging or anything I get really annoyed and like need to jog. I can’t explain it without sounding like a nut job. But essentially I love to train, it makes me happy.


Anyways, So this year I’ll be working, working out, doing fun things, working on my car, meeting new people, Tomorrow World, Bae – bae being ma balt.


Black Beauty

Well folks as you may have previously read “Fiat” I was complete turned off by the fiats/smallcars/rollingdonuts haha that last one though.

Anyways I did consider other cars. I had already seen the cobalt but was not sure about it (until I drove it) and then it was like love.  But before we jump forward – I was also considering a Subaru wrx and/or a srt4. But considering I didn’t take the time to find a nice Subaru and as for a srt4 I already have two neon’s a third would have been over kill even if it was boss. Now we can proceed with the cobalt part of this – went for a test drive and knew it was the one. haha that’s it. Like, I can’t even. Aw man it’s just perfect, bae.

May I add how everything is perfect, not a spot of rust, handling it is great. Shifter/clutch takes adjustment – considering I’ve been driving neons (before a civic and a hyandia excell) it was different, the cobalts very precise and the clutch well haha I stalled it on the first try -just the once- you live and learn come on hah. But its nothing like the other standards I’ve driven.

And I mean it’s just a load of glistening sexyness 🙂


Also “Check la wing” gosh my car for a car anyways has a nice backend :p


Advice of the day : Achieve your dreams mine was a sexyasfuckcar <— Done 😉


Goals ? Budgets ?

What are those?

hah since this school semester I kinda went off the grid in terms of money.

I bought a dog which then got sick

Bought a beater car

Bought a summer car

Bought a sounds system


So much money spent and right now I’m sitting at 1k in my TFSA – so poor.

And this month I have quite a bit to pay for. Such as a speeding ticket, a tempo, ah Christmas, riding lessons.  I know that these things are 1) unnecessary 2) my fault 3)wants not needs

But it still sucks.

January I’m not going to spend any money I don’t have too (AKA resto’s, movies, extra gas for random driving, shopping..)

And I’m going to pay off as much as I can and hopefully by my Birthday have another 1k in my tfsa.

No matter how often you fall off of the bandwagon always try to get back on set smaller goals and achieve them one step at a time 🙂


Fiat, oh such a small little tiddle wave of disappointment.


So since the fiat 500 came to Canada I think 2012 ? I’ve had a major crush on the car – I legitimately was convinced it was my dream car – and then the legendary Abarth came (haha)  and I was set in stone in love. Did you know you can fall out of love easy ? (like in about 3.5 seconds love turns into “WhatTheFuckk”) Mind you I only tried a 2012 fiat 500 sport I was majorly disappointed with it. It just didn’t do it for me, it didn’t I don’t know have the kick I had wanted or like give me the omg feeling, or the chills, or the over enjoyment/turn on/excitement I was looking for. That I know cars can give me. YEP I went there – so essentially this was just the sport model but I dont have the interest in trying the Abarth anymore because it’s like 30k and I can get a car at 6-10k that I can like a hell of a lot more.

Another thing is that besides the engine (abarth model compared to sport) nothing much changes it’s still small like the other fiat and uncomfortable inside. It is just overall “meh”. I don’t know how else to explain it to you guys it just didn’t feel like the one – I mean I like my crappy ass neon better than this new car! GASP I know it’s terrible isn’t it ?

Also after this wake up call of “I don’t actually love what I had convinced myself I was in love with all this time” It was a complete mindfuck I was mad at myself for not liking something that I had for so damn long.  I was really emotional (not crying and shit but mentally crying haha) it was just a disappointment.

on the upside :

See there is this Turbocharged SS Cobalt ❤ and I know I like it and I know I love it and I know it does so many things for me. Like I get overly happy about it, I dream about it, I think about it all the time (like imagining myself driving it :)) It’s like I have a crush on a car, I’m just hesitant to take the “step” plus it would be an only summer car.

Theres two I’m looking at one for 12k and one for 6k and there’s a huge difference between both.  And I don’t know how long I would do payments for and so on I really want to 1) test drive it then 2) figure my shit out and buy it 3) and make a choice summer or all season (which depends on which car actually 12k summer 6 k all season.

So I think I’m going to buy it – I’m not sure when but  at some point at time. I’m going to go test drive it soon.

I’m gonna continue saving my money.

I’m gonna stop buying restaurant (besides coffee) in attempts to bump up my savings 2k. I might go to a movie and a concert here and there but nothing to expensive. I really want to have my saving back up to 7k soon. And I want a nice car and to have cash to travel. Man I feel poor, I went down in money so quick(with duke getting sick and all and paying of 3k of debt) ! But I’m gonna back up there just as quick. 🙂 Watch me!

anyways peace

October update

So I paid off all of my small debts

and 3000$ on my credit card (still 3444.73 left to go which I’ll do tomorrow)

And had enough to pay for my puppy Duke (600$) who got very near death sick (DONT TRUST BACK YARD BREEDERS!!!!)

After this I may be living pay check to pay check for a little why but I’ll be able to save up quickly knowing myself.

I want to be debt free by the end of October!

I did not make any side cash this week I’ve been pretty busy with an intense Dead End run and my poor little puppy.

October Woot

This is seriously one of my favorite seasons!

Love the atomosphere.

So I’d like to quickly blog about a few savings/bets goals i have for this month.

#1) being savings 500$ I want my TFSA at 7000$

#2) being pay off smaller debts (around 500$)

Yep yep and the rest of Carlas challenges I will be doing too 🙂

Have a great day y’all



I have a few goals…

Ah This “10k” Can be applied to a few things in my life,

and that is,

I want to run 10km sometime soon(no expiry date it is to be achieved over time )

and secondly save 10 000$ (no expiry)

And thirdly pay 11 000$ of debt I have off (6k student loan and 5k credit card as soon as possible)

And alongside those goals I would also like to have / buy : Fiat abarth 2014, my little house, a horse, a second husky, an enclosure for both dogs and another for horse, a extension on my house, and backpacking for 1 week and a trip to the amazon to work with endangered species. Which do I want first ? I have no clue (all at once ?!?!?!  high hopes lol)

But right now, I would like to pay off my credit card and reach my savings goal alongside either planning a trip or taking one (also getting a husky puppy in 2 weeks)

Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in terms of all my goals ?

any thoughts ?





I need to figure out a better budget.

I keep using my credit card.

I keep buying unnecessary things.

I keep just going out when I actually don’t want to ( I rather just stay home and watch Netflix and drink tea or walk my dog)

But not all of my purchases are useless or unnecessary, for example I spent 600 on dental – that was important and is just part of general hygiene.  (this benefits my physical state)

I spent 400$ on a puppy and another 200 for supplies.  (this benefits my psychological state)

School related expenses such as gas to drive to school, intuition even lunches and food that I bring to school. (this benefits my mental state)

But all other things included such as food, more food, and how about some ice cream (because my ass need that) and stocking up on food (necessary to a point)

So here’s the common denominator is that I spend way too much money on food that I don’t need or really want – that being sure I want ice  cream and pizza but after eating it I go through this Psychological down fall of I shouldn’t have eaten that, or that’s not vegan or that was expensive or that just quite literally made me feel like shit (pizza on saturday game me food poisoning)


Now I just don’t know how to budget – should i still put some money in saving or should i just put it all onto credit ?

It’s rather frustrating.

Any advice ?




School – Last Semester

So this is my last semester technically. Why technially becasue I still will have two classes to do (french and french -_-)

But so far I love my classes,

Especially tourism, and fitness.

But theres issues with liking classes because then I want to major in all of them. And that’s pretty much impossible.

Like It started off with me  wanting to be a psychologist, to a fitness trainer(then I gained weight and that went out of the door) to now wanting to go into farming at Mac, and finally just a few hours ago I learned that I want to travel and amongst travel – ecotraveling and volunteer tourism.

But anyways big dreams, a lot of money, and ha no.

Now I’m really not sure of what I want to do.

Any advice?


7k and counting!

I finally got my braces off and so far the work I’ve paid for and have put into my teeth total for about 7k, But friends it just doesn’t stop there.

Sadly, it doesn’t. 😦

I still have to fork out 9k this coming year, for a bone transplant surgery, then an implant surgery and finally the crowns to atop those implants. (along regular cleanings and possibly getting my teeth whitened).

I have planned to get 2 dental implants now – with the possibility of getting 4 additional ones in the future. I’m missing my canine, and my lateral incisor which is what I’m fixing this year. presently it is built into my retainer so no one can tell. and as for the 4 other implants im considering getting one day- those are Bottom jaw: both sides ” first molar” and right side ” second molar” and for my Top Jaw: I need on my right side my “first molar” replaced its presently there but is in bad bad shape. Of course these 4 other implants are not necessary – I’ve been doing fine since grade 7 not having them haha. but it’s a preference of mine to have maybe. And the two that I’m getting now are a priority.

But so far my smile looks good. And some of you might think it is insane that I would pay so much for all this but for me it’s confidence, and better hygiene (in regards to eating). I remember in grade 3 when my “big teeth” came down and I knew it was in the wrong spot that I wanted braces right away but my parents could never afford to get me them or let alone a cleaning or even a cavity filling (that’s why I’m missing so many molars on my bottom jaw they rotted to the point I had to pull them out when I got my first job and some money. I’m talking pain– for years, all my high school years I would be in pain day in and day out)

Here is some proof of my new smile 🙂 (Yes this is from SnapChat)

Snapchat photo


















Peace 🙂