
GMV: Friends

Ah, I’m still vegetarian and vegan at least 3 days of the week, it’s hard being around 100% meat eaters or exception-ists (as in people who mainly eat vegetarian but still consume meet once in a while, gravy, seafood, eggs)

But what is hard is that most of the people whom surround me are not vegan or vegetarians and i simply have accepted that, which ive noticed online people on vegan sites hate for example other vegans whom are different (i.e. high fat, low fat, 80/10/10, raw, raw till 4, frutarians) But personally i just don’t hate people (rather dislike two people of which i don’t even talk to) so below i came up with a list of people or things that surround me that aren’t vegan and that i have accepted this, and my ultimate goal is to find friendships that are vegan or vegetarian.

What I have accepted:

-My friends eat meat (except for 1, she eats a hot dog once a year though haha Kim 🙂 but is vegetarian)

-My boyfriend eats meat

-People I live with eat meat

-Coworkers eat meat

-No restaurants surve vegan meals in Huntingdon

What I can change:

– Find friends who are vegan and vegetarian and accept them into my circle of happiness

– only hopefully influence my boyfriend- can’t change him though. It is tough being two different people, living two different lifestyles and sharing an intimate relationship. my boyfriend has practically been the same guy for the last 4 years and me myself I’ve changed or reinvented myself at least 4 times in the last 4 years.

-Move into my own vegan home, where no harm is done to any animal

-Start out sourcing for far vegan restaurants in Montreal or just never eat out and save $$$$

and as for my coworkers (excluding k.) that really is not an issue it was just a point as to whom surrounds me that is not similar in lifestyles to me. I was simply just listing people, thus being i mean no offence to anyone whom eats meat i listed yous for example purposes.

Also a few other plans for when i have my own home. veggies and fruits EVERYWHERERERERERERESSSSSSSS 🙂

organic and eco-friendliness

positivity and happiness

fitness and yoga.

all in all better things for me, my soul, the environment, and for anyone around me. ( what do i mean for anyone around me ? you know when you walk down the street and the guy in front of you is smoking and you get a big lung full of his nasty second hand smoke ? well no one around me will suffer from my second hand smoke or chemicals or litter(because i don’t smoke and don’t litter and avoid using chemicals that are toxic) – i do pollute because i fart and drive a car haha- but most of the things i do and plan on doing will better earth in some way or form.

what have you done today to  better yourself or planet earth ?

do you think eating meat is killing ?

What do you agree or disagree with ?

lastly, have any advice fellow vegans/vegetarians ?




Things to do..

I have so many things I want to do, and this cold/sore throat/ is really holding my back and sucking all my energy away.

I’ve been wanting to do so much but all I do is sleep.

So today I said I have to do some of my things then once I’m done them I can take a nap.

So Today, I help edit my Bf’s Resume, Showered, and am now blogging (also worked am milking)

I still have a few other things I’d like to do before I lay down (if I even do)

I want to workout more!!!

I keep on jumping in between 3 lbs, and I can run 5km in 36 minutes (terrible I know eh) And I want to improve this time by % minutes before the months over! (But I’m bloody sick -_-)

I also should go see my aunt sometime, my dad and brother need a visit too.

Also Trying to keep RT4, OR HCLFRV as a lifestyle but it is hard.

But one thing I can say is that i’m still vegetarian and I love it 🙂

I wish saying no was so much more easier. I wish I could just walk a way, but I always give in. Especially to the bad things like chocolate and cupcakes and pizza. NOM.

Do you have any tricks or tips to make saying no easier?

Is being this sleepy normal ?

I need fitness/ health motivation! ?





Lately, I’ve been not working out as much as I’ve been wanting to and have been sleeping a lot and I’ve been  sore quite often.

I know I haven’t been working out much, but I’ve been walking a lot and they have been long walks.

like 5km – 8kms with my dog Dutchess.

Also I’ve been going with my boyfriend and/or friends.

But besides daily walks I’ve gained weight, mind you when my mom passed 3 weeks ago I lost control of my fitness and diet.

And it is disappointing, I mean it is understandable, but it is still disappointing.

C’est la vie.


P.S. sorry I haven’t been blogging as much, I have blogs written but I have yet to publish them, sadly my mom got in a fetal car accident on March 27th and everything is just not the same. I am working on getting things back in a system. It’s pretty sad and terrible all at the same time and I don’t know what to say to you guys. Most of my personal friends and Facebook knows about her passing and I just feel like it is time for my followers to know. If you what so ever have any advice .. please leave me some, I know it is not easy and I have accepted this. Finally I would like to just say I miss you mom  </3 

Girl meets Vegan; A diary series.

This little series covers my transitioning from everyday american / Canadian foodie to raw vegan. On this quest of a life style change I will enter through the easier vegitarian way.

“Raw veganism is a diet that combines the concepts of veganism and raw foodism. It excludes all food and products of animal origin, as well as food cooked at a temperature above 48 °C.” according to wikipidea

This is what I’m working towards, This is the first post in my journey. I started this journey March 1st.  As you’re reading this you are probably thinking wait that’s a month ago or so …

I wasn’t comfortable with posting this to my news feed right away. Only people I know personally know about my lifestyle changes.

So readers I ask you of two things,  Support and positive vibes.

Are you partaking in a “lifestyle” change ?




working out in bed.

No, I’m not talking about sexy time haha, bet you wished eh ?

Yea it’s pretty simple, sometimes during Tv commercials or loafing I will do these:

-sit ups / crunches with my hands behind my head

-Bicycle sit ups: same concept as a sit up but I leave my knees not bent but at 90 degree angle and as I pull one leg to my chest I stretch/push the other out all the while flexing my abs (having a solid core). Basically like I’m  peddling a bike.

~I  REALLY feel that last one on my abs.

-Leg lifts I lay flat on the bed with my hands either flat by my sides or just tucked under my butt and lift my legs 6 inches off of the bed and hold for as long as I can.  I always try to aim for a minute.

-Triceps dips using the edge of the couch or bed.

Sometimes when I’m watching youtube videos I will do:

-Push ups
-Donkey butt kicks



~Whatever it is I’m always moving while watching some Tv or videos

-Active rest-

So yea these are somethings I do to ensure I’m always doing something semi productive even when I’m just being lazy. 


20 hours

of running that is!

Yes that is my goal for the month, 20 hours of running, not too hard in my opinion about 40 minutes a day and I’ll achieve this goal no problem!

But I don’t workout on weekends so this is where I run into problems (pun!)

So from here on out I have 16 days to finish my goal- I think I have already accumulated 3-4 hours , I honestly am not sure.

But I will update you all if I achieve my goal of running 20 hours this month! 

What are your fitness goals this month ?




March Challenge / Goals


Save 500$ and put into TFSA

Follow Budget to the last $$$

Pay off 300$ to debt


Practice healthy low fat high carb vegetarianism or even vegan-ism

Limit coffee to one a day

Run for a grand total of 25 hours.

Crochet 3 things (or more!)


I want to put all of my lose papers / plan / budget / goals/ blog ideas in one binder and not have lose papers laying around and I want to organize it into categories.

Clean and organize my car.


And that’s about it my friends 🙂

Visit Carla’s blog ! 🙂

Peace 🙂

End month recap – GOALS

1) Work out at least 20 days this month I worked out around 20 days this month + my job is physical.

2) Try not to eat when I’m bored (avoid over eating- Be CONSCIOUS). If I was bored and went to go eat I made sure it was fruit or veggies 🙂

3) Pay at least 300$ to debt. By accident – YES ACCIDENT. I paid 480$ !!!!!! Well. I met my goal :p

4) Blog at least 4 times a week. I’ve been blogging like crazy! So many good reads- I HIGHLY recommend you to go read my other blogs 🙂

5) read one book. Yea- I read like 5 pages of a new book. haha

6) Incorporate more GREENS. EVERYDAY all DAY. uhuh Got the Kale so yummy.

7) Save at least 300$ I transferred 420 (ahah 420) to my TFSA for a grand total of 1000$$ 

8) Go see Dutchess more! This is so important to me.  I miss her like crazy. But I just seem to never have enough time to go see her. I want to walk her at least twice a week. Very much disappointing in myself I only seen her about 6 times but Trevor did go see her a couple of times too so I guess that counts. 

Did you achieve your goals for February?

I’ll update y’all soon with my March goals 🙂


Where the F is my motivation ?

I have been pretty sore the last two days and haven’t been working out (2 days total not including today) I simply just have really sore knees and usually I run as my workout.

I just don’t know what I can do that will be easier as a workout on them.

Also another thing that has been annoying the fuck out of me was that I was on a downward spiral (in a good way) with weight loss I was at 174 and now since my birthday (cake, ice cream, chocolate galore) I’m back up at 179. I want to cry I hate it, I workout all the time but my diet sucks so fucking much i hate how my boyfriends mom buys all the bad foods that I simply cannot say no too. 

In my house I only bought good food because “out of sight out of mind” was the only control tactic that worked for me in regards to bad foods. If something is in front of me I will eat it. So clearly I avoid Chinese buffets haha.
So bad food plus no working out equals #fuckmyfatasseasytogainwieghtlifeihatemybellygoddamnitfucktits

Kay who ever figures out what that says I’ll do a small workout.

ANYONE have any suggestions as to what kind of workouts I could do that don’t involve my knees?


February Goals

I have a few very basic simple goals that are achievable for this month.

1) Work out at least 20 days this month

2) Try not to eat when I’m bored (avoid over eating- Be CONSCIOUS).

3) Pay at least 300$ to debt.

4) Blog at least 4 times a week.

5) read one book.

6) Incorporate more GREENS.

7) Save at least 300$

8) Go see Dutchess more! This is so important to me.  I miss her like crazy. But I just seem to never have enough time to go see her. I want to walk her at least twice a week.

What are your goals for February ? 
