Tag Archive | work


Sorry long time no blog!

So prior to 2015 my priority has always been about working hard and getting an education.

has this changed ?

Obviously not, aha but the specifics have.Such being that I am no longer trying to finish up my college diploma. I have 3-4 courses to get before I get my diploma and 3 of which are french alone. Sigh. So for “college education” I’m taking a year off to pursue happiness (achieve my goals and ambitions). Wait what ? yea I know lmfao that’s stupid/crazy/unrealistic in this day and age because all we are here on earth for is to work and have children and buy things. YEAAA NO. Bitch please – Sure I believe in working hard and getting things with that money that’s the society I’ve grown up in. But I’m set with my job for a good while and gasp a minimum wage job you can’t do anything with that ? Yes, yes I can. I make enough to pay bills, own two dogs and a nice ass car and still save* (kinda save my savings have been a little low since I had a long-distance boyfriend and I used my money to see him and pretty much paid for everything.) But yes I love my job and I would never quit it for a higher paying job (I mean unless I make millions then we can start talking haha) and I love the physical / animal aspect of working on a farm. I will probably pick up a second job at some point because car parts LOL. Anyways the point being is that I want to be more constructive with my free time and not put it towards an education not this year at least.  But I will be pursuing CanFitPro probably, there’s a little health course I want to take.But me being me I will research things (you can categorize my two common interests as psychological things and health things with a side of documentaries)

Working is always a priority no change there- mind you I’m going to attempt to do more hours and be on time (or less late ahaha) I remember a couple summers ago I was doing 80hrs a week at the factory (russet house) I never plan on working that much again- it killed me. Though the dough was great almost 1k in a week. But not worth it in my opinion, the mental and physical stress is crazy.

So yea priorities work – save money

And my biggest priority under working is fitness and health. (*not diet and exercise those are temporary terms that set you up for failure.) I’ve been going at this since the 11th grade so ’09- i’ve gone up and down, gained some lost some and now I’m on the losing some. To date give or take depending on the day I’m negative 30lbs, in my personal opinion I have anywheres between 20-30lbs more that I would like to lose. And Sure people think I’m fine the way I am, but that’s their opinion- my goal is to be the stunner I was in 2011 and regardless of what others think I’m going to get there by September. And settling for an “ok” body is NOT really stimulating for me, the plain ol’ simpleness of settling doesn’t interest me. not even in the slightest. Being fit, being healthy, these things make me happy and running daily makes my happy – may or may not have to do with the chemical aspect of it; ENDORPHINS ! The point is that for me to be happy, I kinda have to work out – if I go 5 days without jogging or anything I get really annoyed and like need to jog. I can’t explain it without sounding like a nut job. But essentially I love to train, it makes me happy.


Anyways, So this year I’ll be working, working out, doing fun things, working on my car, meeting new people, Tomorrow World, Bae – bae being ma balt.



Yea, this post isn’t going on FB either haha. That title is so 2014 actually.

As you may or may not know readers I was in a long-term on and off relationship that was before a friend ship. And it ended in august/ september ish there was no real END date it just kinda went down up down and then ended. But it was always like this, unhealthy never going anywheres-ness. We are friends now, which is manageable for the moment.

I mean for once in my life I can do things how and when I want to. I don’t have to just check in or clarify to anyone. BUT there’s also the whole being an extrovert and wanting to socialize or be with people aspect that becomes lonely because you’ve lost an array of people in your life but as you see it doesn’t have to be that way. When you’re a mature adult it doesn’t have to be this cut throat ending. Well maybe that’s because there was no cheating involved in which case I can’t fucking stand cheaters and if it were to happen to me I wouldn’t keep that person in my life at all. But this previous relationship – the person is a good person he’s just not “the one” I guess you can say in a lame way. But he has been a good friend and I feel like in some way he will be for a long while. but it does make the other friendships made through the relationships (aka his friends) a little awkward, in my own personal opinion but maybe that’s because I’m socially awkward ?

Some people LOVE being alone, Some DESPISE it. Well folks I’m that guy (actually I am a female I’m just using the term guy loosely) the one who is like WELP I’m alone what to do, eat ice cream? watch sad movies ? Walk my dog at night-time? (not that ANY of those were real life examples – I don’t even buy ice cream haha) But what to do, I’m a mix of introverted and extroverted, if that even makes sense – I like to be alone but hate it, I like being with people but the sometimes I hate it. *I actually do walk my dog at night for the most part a couple of times a week it is pretty nice no ones driving by or around, just us two walkin’.

Anyways so my solution was to no-doubtly buy a dog, which was a great idea and I don’t regret it at all (but it was unexpectedly costly good thing I had 4k in savings) Duke, he is seriously the new love of my life and of course I still love Dutchess too!

And as for the rest I’m just going with it, the flow of life; sleep, eat, work, school, dogs, bills, cleaning, fitness, and repeat. What else can you do ?

travel the world, fall in love with yourself, be happy, see things that are new and exciting everyday, new experiences these are the things I am aiming to do in the now and future as much as possible . If that means being forever alone except having my dogs then so be it because the only person who knows you the best, loves you more than anyone else and who is with you 24/7 365 for life is YOU- YOURSELF that’s all you got and the rest are interactions which come together to make your life experiences with others, mind you don’t mistake this for “I’m never ever dating ugh I hate men” That is not at all what I’m saying, I’m just going to do what I do best and if someone lines up and is well you know the obvious “attractive, and mentally stimulating and is a hard worker and wants to share some of these experiences and is in love and I am too” then that happens, but I’m not forcing anything, I’m not chasing, I’m not going after, I’m not going online dating, I’m not settling, I’m not going after 17 year olds ever again cause like ew haha, I’m not going to sleep around. I’m just not going to extremes to put myself out there but I am living and I feel like this will lead to things as life lets you. I do not believe in faith or everything will fall together I believe in doing something you love and finding someone along the way and this is applicable to meeting friends too.  Just gonna do what I do, how I do, when I do all those do’s. haha does that even make sense :p.

I feel like I’m putting too much effort into explaining myself haha I’m one of those complicated elaborated not simplified persons don’t get me wrong I’m not extreamly happy, because well right now all I can think of is my shitty car and my homework assignment which I’m avoiding and in turn writing about this complicated mess of love and life. But I am living and I am doing the things I love which adds up to happiness. Which compared to a couple of years ago I’m way happier right now than I was 5 years ago or even months ago. Which in the long run is what matters most right? WHAT is with this font.

Awkwardness, so essentially I’m just being me and where that leads me is unknown because you never know what happens in tomorrowland until you’re there. (ha 10 points for anyone who knows what I’m talking about in this sentence! it’s a multi meaning type of thing.)

I’m just going to stop this now.



7k and counting!

I finally got my braces off and so far the work I’ve paid for and have put into my teeth total for about 7k, But friends it just doesn’t stop there.

Sadly, it doesn’t. 😦

I still have to fork out 9k this coming year, for a bone transplant surgery, then an implant surgery and finally the crowns to atop those implants. (along regular cleanings and possibly getting my teeth whitened).

I have planned to get 2 dental implants now – with the possibility of getting 4 additional ones in the future. I’m missing my canine, and my lateral incisor which is what I’m fixing this year. presently it is built into my retainer so no one can tell. and as for the 4 other implants im considering getting one day- those are Bottom jaw: both sides ” first molar” and right side ” second molar” and for my Top Jaw: I need on my right side my “first molar” replaced its presently there but is in bad bad shape. Of course these 4 other implants are not necessary – I’ve been doing fine since grade 7 not having them haha. but it’s a preference of mine to have maybe. And the two that I’m getting now are a priority.

But so far my smile looks good. And some of you might think it is insane that I would pay so much for all this but for me it’s confidence, and better hygiene (in regards to eating). I remember in grade 3 when my “big teeth” came down and I knew it was in the wrong spot that I wanted braces right away but my parents could never afford to get me them or let alone a cleaning or even a cavity filling (that’s why I’m missing so many molars on my bottom jaw they rotted to the point I had to pull them out when I got my first job and some money. I’m talking pain– for years, all my high school years I would be in pain day in and day out)

Here is some proof of my new smile 🙂 (Yes this is from SnapChat)

Snapchat photo


















Peace 🙂

GMV: Friends

Ah, I’m still vegetarian and vegan at least 3 days of the week, it’s hard being around 100% meat eaters or exception-ists (as in people who mainly eat vegetarian but still consume meet once in a while, gravy, seafood, eggs)

But what is hard is that most of the people whom surround me are not vegan or vegetarians and i simply have accepted that, which ive noticed online people on vegan sites hate for example other vegans whom are different (i.e. high fat, low fat, 80/10/10, raw, raw till 4, frutarians) But personally i just don’t hate people (rather dislike two people of which i don’t even talk to) so below i came up with a list of people or things that surround me that aren’t vegan and that i have accepted this, and my ultimate goal is to find friendships that are vegan or vegetarian.

What I have accepted:

-My friends eat meat (except for 1, she eats a hot dog once a year though haha Kim 🙂 but is vegetarian)

-My boyfriend eats meat

-People I live with eat meat

-Coworkers eat meat

-No restaurants surve vegan meals in Huntingdon

What I can change:

– Find friends who are vegan and vegetarian and accept them into my circle of happiness

– only hopefully influence my boyfriend- can’t change him though. It is tough being two different people, living two different lifestyles and sharing an intimate relationship. my boyfriend has practically been the same guy for the last 4 years and me myself I’ve changed or reinvented myself at least 4 times in the last 4 years.

-Move into my own vegan home, where no harm is done to any animal

-Start out sourcing for far vegan restaurants in Montreal or just never eat out and save $$$$

and as for my coworkers (excluding k.) that really is not an issue it was just a point as to whom surrounds me that is not similar in lifestyles to me. I was simply just listing people, thus being i mean no offence to anyone whom eats meat i listed yous for example purposes.

Also a few other plans for when i have my own home. veggies and fruits EVERYWHERERERERERERESSSSSSSS 🙂

organic and eco-friendliness

positivity and happiness

fitness and yoga.

all in all better things for me, my soul, the environment, and for anyone around me. ( what do i mean for anyone around me ? you know when you walk down the street and the guy in front of you is smoking and you get a big lung full of his nasty second hand smoke ? well no one around me will suffer from my second hand smoke or chemicals or litter(because i don’t smoke and don’t litter and avoid using chemicals that are toxic) – i do pollute because i fart and drive a car haha- but most of the things i do and plan on doing will better earth in some way or form.

what have you done today to  better yourself or planet earth ?

do you think eating meat is killing ?

What do you agree or disagree with ?

lastly, have any advice fellow vegans/vegetarians ?




Tuesday To-Do

Hi ya all 🙂

Go to Super C and buy 40$ of strawberries (that is 32 cartons)  DONE

Cash cheque and Budget   DONE



Take a nap

Clean and trim strawberries and freeze them

Blog   DONE!

Read a couple pages in my book

Plant my soy bean

So here is todays to do list 🙂

What do you have to get done today ?!?!?!




Day light Savings

Apparently more heart attacks happen around this time of year.

I think for this reason alone we should stop doing this. I mean leave daylight savings alone (and just never fall back in the fall) for me personally it causes me so much stress.

I just can’t wake up- i have  about 10 alarms go off Sunday morning and was still an hour late.

I mean I can’t blame daylight savings, but it sure as hell makes my life a little stressful.

BUT on the plus side! It is so nice having more daylight, going into my night shift (milking 5ish to 8 ish) and it being so nice and bright while milking, it’s really nice.

Anyways ladies and gent have a Good ol’ night 🙂

What are your opinions on Day light savings?



OPP again

Hello everyone-

So as you know a few posts back I was complaining about how sore and tired I am.

(OPP- old people problems)

I am still sore and tired.  I took a day off today and yesterday from working out. My knees are like “F you and yo shit I ain’t working out.” haha

But yea. Sore and tired and TGIF tomorrow 🙂



Hi 🙂

Kay so it is Hump day aka, Wednesday. Thus meaning the middle of the week. Thus meaning the middle of the rainbow. Thus meaning two days done, one in progress and two to go. Thus meaning, WOOOO.

Kay haha, actually fact is I have been working for 11 days including today. PHEW.

Let go lets go, I can do it too with can do 😉

And by Friday night I would have been working 13 days – two shifts a day (milking like that in the early am and at supper time) I can tell you one thing – after a certain amount of time the pain mulls away / my knee doesn’t hurt so much. (well kind of- maybe i am just putting on a tough act)


Hope everyone has a great HUMP DAYYYYYY 🙂


Job search why you so hard.

Hey peoples,

So  a lot has happened lately;

  • I dropped out of school to work
  • Have a job milking cows (which I still hold to this very moment)
  • found a second job
  • wasn’t successful in the telemarketing category
  •  lost the second job

And now I’m back to the job search, I’ve applied to every notice on Kijiji. I have started out searching in places like Montreal (1 hr away) and Cornwall (also 1 hr away).

Results ? Nothing. NOTHING. *Head desk*

You know I would be okay with the nothing answer if I was not trying, but here is the thing I’m applying to places everyday no matter what in person, by email or phone.

I am a little discouraged but I’m not going to let it affect my outlook or give up. I’m just going to as Dory would say “Just keep swimming” or in this case Just keep applying.

School and such.

Hey people,

Sorry I’ve been of the net lately with school, new job, and a new boyfriend.

But basically my life has been like: school , work, workout, boyfriend, and repeat.

I like for the most part all of my classes so far, except microeconomics. it just makes me wanna *head desk* all of the time. I don’t understand anything – though maybe if I wasn’t writing a blog right now and was listening to the teacher I would find it easier.

I need to get more workouts in, I’ve lost 15 lbs I need to lose more, and jeeze my arms are terrible. period.

But yea, I’m kind of happy.  Well kind of; I mean I am actually really happy.

Peace 😉