Tag Archive | resto

Goals ? Budgets ?

What are those?

hah since this school semester I kinda went off the grid in terms of money.

I bought a dog which then got sick

Bought a beater car

Bought a summer car

Bought a sounds system


So much money spent and right now I’m sitting at 1k in my TFSA – so poor.

And this month I have quite a bit to pay for. Such as a speeding ticket, a tempo, ah Christmas, riding lessons.  I know that these things are 1) unnecessary 2) my fault 3)wants not needs

But it still sucks.

January I’m not going to spend any money I don’t have too (AKA resto’s, movies, extra gas for random driving, shopping..)

And I’m going to pay off as much as I can and hopefully by my Birthday have another 1k in my tfsa.

No matter how often you fall off of the bandwagon always try to get back on set smaller goals and achieve them one step at a time 🙂
